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Microsoft Certified Solution Architects

 Supercharge your Power BI premium capacity with an expert assessment!

Identify bottlenecks, speed up refreshes, save costs and implement best practices. Plus get automated reporting that will help you manage your capacity moving forward

How does a premium capacity assessment work?

We can help you create an effective, holistic digital marketing strategy that keeps your brand ahead of the curve.

Information Gathering

One our Power BI solution architects will work with Power BI administrator to run some tools that will collect information about your capacity.

Executive Summary & Reporting

A executive summary and dashboard will be created with the findings, detailed steps of how to optimize the capacity. As well as some recommendations for things to monitor in the future.


Our experts will analyze the data collected and identify bottlenecks, and ways to improve performance and increase user experience.

Review of findings & training

We will review the findings with your team and provide training, so your team knows exactly exactly how to take action with the findings, as well as have a framework to keep your capacity running at it's optimal level in the future

Special discount!  Get a capacity assessment for $3,950 $1,985.

Save costs with an expert assessment

Make Power BI Scalable & Sustainable

Improve performance

Remove bottlenecks

Supercharge your capacity

Get actionable insights about your Power BI tenant

Drive results and supercharge your capacity with an easy to follow action plan, training and help with identifying and implementing best practices

Learn more and schedule a free call